Monday, September 15, 2014

Hello stranger. How've you been?

So it's been a while bloggy blog. A lot has happened since who knows how long. The biggest event that has happened was this-
And this--
Yes. That happened. Really. I know. Crazy. I think so too. 

Our baby girl arrived in early August and it has been a whirlwind of an adventure since. We are so in love with everything about her. 

As you all know, life with a newborn is quite hectic. I basically live life in 2-3 hour increments. If I'm lucky 4 hour increments. That's very rare at this time. Baby's cycle goes like this--sleep, wake up, change diaper, feed, chill out, and then starts over. Everyone tells me "Sleep when she sleeps!!" And trust me I do. Just not all the time. I know it will get better and honestly I am not complaining. She is really (knock on wood) for the most part and great sleeper!!

There's so much I want to do while she sleeps (no particular order)--
-stare at her while she sleeps
-catch up on my tv shows
-brush teeth
-drink water
-go to the bathroom
-reply to emails, texts, calls
-stalk people on Facebook (you do it too, don't lie)
-catch up on Candy Crush
-clean/put dishes away (I don't want to do this but my head feels better when it's done)
-do/put laundry away (again, I don't really want to do this but if I want don't want to smell wearing dirty clothes then it's a must)
-paint my toenails
-bake cookies
-and of course catch up on this bloggy blog!!!

I know I've made broken promises before about being more consistent writing on here. So I won't promise. But I can tell you that I will try my best. As with my new baby daughter, I will try my best. I know you won't cry if time passes and there's nothing new on here because no one really knows I actually have a blog anyway. Unless you stalk me on Facebook. Which is ok because we all stalk each other. No judging. :)

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