More exciting news has occurred the last few months during my bloggy hiatus. We bought a home! So now we have our own little kitchen to make a mess in. And trust me, it's a mess. Well actually, no it's not. My husband likes clean things and so I feel like I clean ALL the time. Ahh... being an adult is no fun. Haha, just kidding.
I've been baking and decorating various cookies for various occasions (and my next post will be pictures of them), but my latest favorite were these Kermit the Frog cookies I did for one of my BFF's daughter's 3rd birthday. The little now 3 year old had been talking about have a Muppets themed birthday party for many months now and I was asked to make Kermit cookies. I searched and local bake shops for Kermit cookie cutters, but couldn't find anything except an antique Kermit cookie cutter that cost $20 plus shipping. So I gave up...until I thought of this:

2. Print image of Kermit and cut out.
3. Purchased Edible Pens (Foodoodler, $6.99 at Sur la table) to trace Kermit onto baked cookies Thank goodness the image I cut out was just the right size because I don't have a printer at home and I already baked all the cookies.
4. Take black royal icing piping (I used a size 3 tip) and trace the outline of Kermit on the cookies Let dry.
5. Fill in one section at a time on the cookies. Here is the order I filled in with the different colors used. You don't have to go in this order, but I felt this would be the easiest way for myself. I also just made a big batch of royal icing and started with the smallest areas first so that I can save the rest for the largest area which was the face. Honestly, I don't like wasting royal icing because I don't make cookies often enough to need to keep leftovers around and I'm really lazy and don't want to make more during this process of decorating. I know I'm not the only out there that feels this way... right?
I used Wilton's Color Icing, $2.50 at Sur la table.
- Eyes (white-no color icing needed)

- Tongue (pink)
- Mouth (Red Red)
- Ruffly Neck Area (What the heck would you call that?) (Leaf Green)
- Face (Kelly Green)
6. Use the black piping (tip size 3) to add a line and dot in the middle for his eyes! At this point, he has really come alive!
7. Let dry overnight, and wrap them individually with cute matching ribbons.
I wanted to add purple polka dots around Kermit but his face was so big I didn't have room. Oh well.
I love how they turned out and want to use this technique for everything I can't find cookie cutters for! I was asked "How did I do this?" And I was happy to respond, "With time and patience." So I advise you when making a batch of these (I made 30) or with anything you do, have some patience and take your time.
(The real answer is that I made the dough, cut out circle shape and baked all the cookies on night #1 [around a couple of hours]; trace, piped and filled in the image on night #2 [around 7-8 hours], and bagged and ribboned them all on night #3 [around 30 minutes])
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